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Started by Junodog, July 02, 2009, 08:05:36 PM

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So.  Pictures.  Those things that you look at instead of hiking out to the middle of nowhere every time you want to see the image that you have a picture of.  Unless you're like me and you'd rather be in the lake instead of staring at it.  But that's a different story and as such I'll just ignore it.
So anyway, pictures.  They're fun, they're more interesting to look at than words when you're up waaaay past your bedtime and you're half asleep, and they show things better than words can sometimes.  And so, why not dedicate a thread to them?  Rules will be added if they need to be added, but for now, it's basically a free-for-all.  Actual photography, photoshopped stuff, pictures of you, animals, buildings, landscapes, or if you're feeling really daring, you could even post pictures of famous people that nobody really cares about.  Now, if you feel this is too intimidating for some strange, strange reason, don't worry.  I'll show you how it's done.

This right here is the view from the place we rented in between permanent homes:

Here is a beaver that ended up getting swept up in the creek last summer and ended up having to find a way out in the middle of town (which is difficult as that rock-fence-whatever thing is about 4-5 feet tall) who probably ended up going even further downstream in the end where there's some steps for easy access to the river (mostly for little kids):

And then I had another fantastic picture that I was going to put up here but imageshack is being, how shall I say, a horrible monster and so unless i misplaced the image in question it has been deleted despite the fact that didn't violate the ToS, so I'm going to have to find it on my external hard drive again and Never mind, the picture in question was actually in my photobucket account even though I couldn't find it there either.  I guess I'm not very good at looking for things.

And because you people clearly haven't seen enough of my dog yet, have some pictures of Juno:

And finally, a gif of an original character of mine who will someday get his very own animated series (the only episode up is very poorly made so I don't feel the urge to share it), Angstman:

Guess what his superpower is. :P

So now you see the idea behind this thread.  Go crazy.


Angstman makes me weep for your generation.  :'(

I will now show you my cat... the inspiration for Ash.... fat and wiped out after a night out drinking and carousing with the boys.


Your posting of the image of your cat does not seem to have worked.


Quote from: Junodog on July 04, 2009, 07:14:18 AM
Your posting of the image of your cat does not seem to have worked.

Hmm, I can see it just fine. You can't? ???


I can't even see the image code.  So the code seems to be right, just... not for regular users?

Or so I would suspect.


Hmmm. That might be it. I'll fiddle with it tomorrrow when I'm on the computer I posted it with. Thanks for the FYI. ;D


Good luck~!

These be the shoes I'ma hike in tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll get some good pictures, it should be a lovely hike...

(I am obsessed with those shoes.  They're just so awesome...)


Here are some pictures from that big hike I did:

(white balance was off at first, but I fixed it sometime between the first one and the next one)

(that is indeed the same lake in both those pictures; it was a pretty steep hike)



(the last two are at the very top of the hike; the last one shows the Mt. Crested Butte, which is where the ski area is located.  You can see the town of Mt. Crested Butte, but not Crested Butte itself.  That mountain to the right is blocking the view)

And now I get to brag about how beautiful a place I live in. :P

Edit: The destination point of the hike is called 'Scarp's Ridge,' in case you were curious.  And that lake is called Lake Irwin.  And since I've shared the name of my hometown, what my parents do, and how I look in this forum, you are all now perfectly capable of stalking me. :D


I've been chillin outside your house in my car for almost 2 weeks now. It's about time you acknowledged my hard work!


I was going to make a witty response to this but I got distracted and I forgot what it was.


I hate when that happens.


Me, too.  And so does my soot.


Makkurokurosuke! Those little soot balls are so cute. :3

I feel a bit like a lurker only posting in the Artists' forum, so I'll go ahead and share some of my pictures. ;)

My two kitties, Mercutio (the black one) and Beatrice (the tabby):

Assorted shots from my trip to Japan last spring:

And finally a shop that sold NOTHING but manekineko (lucky cats):


Mercutio looks just like 2 cats I used to have.

:( I miss them.


I've had three different cats, and all three of them were lost to the great outdoors.  Well, one was hit by a car, but if he hadn't run off it wouldn't have happened, so...

I want another cat, but my parents won't go for it.  Too much to deal with already...