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February 2nd, 2009: "The Bad Old Days"

Started by Citi, February 23, 2009, 07:49:12 AM

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QuoteAs some of you may know, I am a veteran of the armed forces; as is almost everyone at Remedial Comics. I served in the U.S. Army from 1988-1992; including a full tour of the Middle East during the Gulf War. My feelings on the current conflict are varied and strong and will be reflected in the coming storyline, so I'm not going to explore them too much today. I think it suffices to say that like Artur, I have some misgivings about the way we left things.

Lot's of funny on the interwebbies today. I don't know if you are aware of it but today is Hourly Comic Day.  I wasn't even aware this holiday existed. We weren't prepared. My art makes babies cry so I'll spare you that. Hopefully next year I'll be able to rope Jason into participating in this. That would be cool. In the meantime, enjoy these Hourly Comics from two of my favorite web comics artists.

Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content has his here at his live journal (could be considered not safe for work, I leave that interpretation up to you). Also at Jeph's Livejournal, should you feel explore-y is an excellent discussion about the gulf between print and web cartoonists. As someone who's busting their ass to try and make the web business model work I find myself with an alarming lack of sympathy for the print guys who seem almost universally inclined to go down with the sinking ship (that is newspapers and periodicals).

Danielle Corsetto of the fantastic Girls with Slingshots has her hourly comic here.

The awesome Wil Wheaton (Lord and Master of all internets) pointed out by way of Twitter this hilarious Star Trek re-edit at his blog. There are in fact a bunch of them and they are both mystifying and hilarious. You can find the others here.

The last thing I want to share with you is this twisted little crime drama via Kotaku. I tend to think that the cops are using the Mii creator to try and create a likeness of the hit and run guy. The alternative; that a Mii is roaming the streets of Japan, running down pedestrians, would be a bit disturbing. Either way, when the cops catch up to him they better hope he doesn't have the star. An invulnerable suspect would be difficult for any police force to subdue.

That's it for now; I hope you had a great weekend. Remember that I will be at New York Comic Con on Friday Feb 6th and Saturday Feb 7th. No table, I'll just be roaming around like most folks. I'll have some goodies for people who ask and people who don't. We'll probably have an ad up about it soon. I'll see you back here on Wednesday.

The sower may mistake and sow his peas crookedly; the peas make no mistake, but come up and show his line. - Ralph Waldo Emerson