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January 19th, 2009: "Fish Tank Awarded to Chadm1n Plecostomus-ly"

Started by Citi, February 23, 2009, 07:32:21 AM

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QuoteDUN DUN DuuuuN!

Sorry for the cliffhanger. It's a three-panel comic telling a long story. It will happen. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.

I wanted to thank Chadm1n for all his hard work on the site over the last few months. I know we have many miles to go but to say he has gone above and beyond is like saying the sun is "pretty far away." It's true but it doesn't describe the magnitude.

Chadm1n's son received a small plastic fish tank kit and a couple fish for Christmas. The problem was that much of the kit was missing and to keep the fish alive, Chadm1n had to go and get an aftermarket filter for the tank. However, the smallest one the store had was still way too much for the little 2 gallon tank and the poor fish were struggling against the current like Stallone at the end of "Daylight."

So, being the nice guy that I am, I picked up a five-gallon starter kit at Walmart (yes, I believe they are evil; yes, I still shop there from time to time). He had a Black Moor and a couple Neon Tetras, so I also stopped by the pet store and picked up a Pleco (Plecostomus - an algae eating maintenance fish) and a Bubble Eyes goldfish to round out the tank. Here's a pic (Click on it for a bigger version should you be so inclined):

His kid really wanted a clownfish (the Black Moor is named "Black Nemo" which brings all kinds of hilarity to mind... I hear Chris Rock as Albert Brooks' son in "Finding Nemo" in my head and I can't stop giggling), but as we all know that's saltwater and way harder to maintain, so I got the little statue in the center instead (which admittedly might be really confusing to the fresh water fish... but hey that's their problem). Extra points if you can find the Pleco doing his best "Where's Waldo?" impression. I know Chadm1n is a big fish fan so enjoy buddy; and thanks.

For those of you brought here from Something*Positive or Punch an Pie, you might find this interesting. Frankly I almost forgot I had it. I met Randy Milholland a couple years ago at a convention called Connecticon (I would link but their site is temporarily down). He drew a sketch for me and I took a picture mid-sketch (again, click for a larger view, look for the spittle on my sketch book):

Over a year and a half later and that pic still makes me laugh. He added Aubrey to the sketch too. Here it is when it was done (click for big):

I still have the original stored safely away. Choo-Choo Bear looks comfy.

That's it for today. We'll see you on Wednesday for the resolution to our little cliff hanger. Have a great day!