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Music / Since most forums have a threa...
Last post by Junodog - November 01, 2009, 06:47:54 PM
What are you listening to right this minute? Me:

Be Happy - Aqua
Music / Re: Zebrastreifen - Rolf Zucko...
Last post by Junodog - November 01, 2009, 06:46:47 PM
I've been looking for more kids' music (not a whole lot, though) for the purposes of learning.  Now I'm curious as to how your nephew would like said song.  I know I was obsessed with it as a kid.

Citi: any German death metal?
Music / Re: Zebrastreifen - Rolf Zucko...
Last post by Citi - October 30, 2009, 04:07:58 PM
I've been listening to a lot of death metal recently  :D
Music / Re: Zebrastreifen - Rolf Zucko...
Last post by Rob - October 19, 2009, 11:10:19 PM
I barely listened to any music as a kid. My family... not big music lovers.

My mother listens to "light FM" (blech) and my sister (whose poor husband is a huge music fan with one of the biggest music collections I've ever seen and he almost never gets to listen to anymore) claims to get a headache whenever anyone listens to music around her and is exactly the person you expect to say "does that have to be so loud?" just when you are thinking of cranking it up.

It it weren't for my stepfather who liked a little rock and roll I probably wouldn't know much about music at all, probably would have never joined a band and tried to sing in my own mediocre way.

Probably the closest thing I've listened to that can be described as foreign music as a kid was the Beatles (and other British invasion bands).

Although, I've been watching "Bleach" lately and I am really digging the music that show uses for intro and end credits. I have no idea what they are saying but the Japs are rockin' it.

I should play your zebra song for my nephew. He's already taking spanish tutoring (he's 5) as well as having his father talk to him in German from time to time (my brother in law spent some time there in Germany for his last job). He might like it.
Movies / Wickie und die Starken Männer
Last post by Junodog - October 19, 2009, 06:22:11 PM
EDIT: Apparently the main character is supposed to be a boy.  I could have sworn it was a girl...  I mean, the word 'son' didn't appear in the movie anywhere as far as I could tell...  but all the places I've looked say Wickie's a boy, so I guess he just... looked super-feminine?

So I just watched this movie today, and despite my low level of German skills, I understood the entire plot and most of the jokes.  Yep, it's a kids' movie.  A pretty decent kids' movie, at that.  Sure, it's completely unrealistic in just about every way imaginable, but then again, it's a kid's movie.
Now, let's see what we've got here.  The main character is a little girl, Wickie (pronounced Vicky), who lives in a viking town and whose father is the head of the vikings.  She beats him in this contest using her wits, and he grudgingly lets her become a viking and gives her a viking hat/helmet/whatever.  Then these people come and attack their little village, and all the children but Wickie are kidnapped.  So, the movie is about saving all the other children.

It's a decent enough movie for adults as well, unless you demand that all your movies have complex plots and tear-jerking moments.  But then again, I am a sucker for kids' movies, so my judgment could very well be off, but the friend I invited to see it with me (who's 25) enjoyed it as well, so there you have it.  It gets points for being purposely ridiculous, but lacking in gross humor that seems to have invaded American kids' movies.

And here's a trailer that I won't translate because it's pretty self-explanatory:
Music / Re: Zebrastreifen - Rolf Zucko...
Last post by Junodog - October 19, 2009, 05:45:57 PM
Zebra-crossing.  So like the white stripes you cross the street on.

I don't actually hear it other than the times I watch it on youtube, but I used to be obsessed with it when I was really little.  So there's no creepiness factor in it for me.  That, and I know what the lyrics mean, here's a translation:

Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, some people will never understand you
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, but I know better
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, nobody understands you
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, I feel sorry for them

There is a lot of traffic almost everywhere, the cars drive here and there
And I often stand on the side of the road and think, that is a lot**
As I only come over here now, it is still jinxed today***
But then I soon see that the zebra-crossing isn't all that far away

Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, some people will never understand you
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, but I know better
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, nobody understands you
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, I feel sorry for them

I stand next to the blue sign, so that people see what I want now
I visibly raise my hand and look directly at the car
And the car brakes then the driver looks me in the eye****
And he stays in place and then I look, if they all stop then I go across

Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, some people will never understand you
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, but I know better
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, nobody understands you
Zebra-crossing, zebra-crossing, I feel sorry for them

*or the white stripes where you can cross the street
**of traffic
***I'm really not so sure about this line, I'm mostly guessing from context
****Gesicht means face, actually, but 'looks me in the face' doesn't quite sound right 

I guess you didn't listen to enough foreign music when you were a kid.  I sure did.
Music / Re: Zebrastreifen - Rolf Zucko...
Last post by Rob - October 19, 2009, 01:12:51 PM

The strife of the Zebra?

This song sounds like something the "Children of the Damned" would sing while they backed you into the corner with thier glowing eyes.

I have to remember this. It probably doesn't come off this way to you with you in country and hearing it every day but for me...

a group of little kids singing in german sounds Waaaaaayyyy creepy. Next time I want to scare the crap out fo someone I'm going to google "children singing in German" and tell ghost stories while that stuff plays in the background.

That is pants wetting disturbing. And yes it is now stuck in my head.
Music / Zebrastreifen - Rolf Zuckowski
Last post by Junodog - October 12, 2009, 06:21:12 PM
Such a beautiful, meaningful song.

It is filled with deep meaning and important lessons about what it means to cross the street.  It has also been stuck in my head for about a day, and with any luck, it is now stuck in yours.
Open Topics / Re: Studying Abroad
Last post by Junodog - October 09, 2009, 11:00:17 PM
Well, Germany's definitely got the whole 'dessert' thing down.  That, and I just tried carbonated apple juice today.  I didn't know it was carbonated until I opened the bottle, but it didn't surprise me because many, many drinks are carbonated here.  That, and a friend had told me about this earlier.

It's quite fantastic.

Oh, and here's an obligatory pic of downtown Tübingen:

It might not be super obvious in this picture, but almost all the old buildings around here have a very modern interior.  It's almost as if they're hiding how modern they are.  Or maybe showing off that they haven't completely ditched the old ways. :D

And on that note, there's a bookstore here that's older than America.  Don't have a reason to be really hating on the US yet, though.
Open Topics / Re: Studying Abroad
Last post by Rob - October 09, 2009, 12:29:46 AM
Yeah I know what you mean. When I was in Mexico I bought some cookies that looked delicious on the package and tasted like dirt in reality.

I actually went through several different brands while I was down there and I never did find a decent cookie.

The tacos's were the shit though. Best evar!