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The Cream / What is "The Cream?"
Last post by Rob - January 01, 2010, 06:36:47 PM
The internent is awesome. I don't think anyone can argue it's impact on our daily lives. But more than anything else the internet is a repository for some of the most F'ed up stuff in human existance. The kind of things that we used to experience maybe a few times in one rich life can now be shared throughout humanity for all of us to experience collectively.

From LOL'Cats to Motivational Posters to web exclusive content the bounty on the Web is rich and plentiful and only getting better each day.

The Web category on our main site is there to highlight web sites as a whole and really give an in depth review of that one site. The Cream on the other hand is a place for Remedial Comics staff to quickly point out something they found on the web that was particularly interesting without going into too much depth about the site itself.

I for one spend WAY too much time surfing the web on a pretty much daily basis. I see things that interest or I find amusing all the time and I always consider pointing them out to our viewers. Sometimes I Twitter about something if it is particularly interesting but for the most part many of these things simply go unmentioned because of the difficulty in updating the content portion of the site. It isn't really hard to add something to "The Web" but the formatting of the page, they way it's laid out, can have problems if the content I add is only a few lines. Plus we really haven't worked out how to add video or anything like that.

So I'm hoping to add all the great stuff I see here. And feel free to point out interesting stuff you find.

But remember to make sure it's really good, because there is tons of funny stuff on the web. But the cream always rises to the top. And that's what we want here. The cream.
Open Topics / Re: Great White Sharks
Last post by Junodog - December 15, 2009, 11:40:21 AM
Holy Scheiße.

Speaking of sharks... (warning: lots of swearing)
Edit: Whoops, forgot to mention it's only the first half of the video that has to do with sharks.
Open Topics / Great White Sharks
Last post by Rob - December 09, 2009, 05:58:08 PM
Is there any sea beast so feared by humans?   :o
Open Topics / Anyone want to read Black Gate...
Last post by Rob - November 30, 2009, 05:23:51 AM
Black Gate is a magazine of short fantasy fiction (sword and sorcery type stuff). The last issue was over a hundred pages long and contained a ton of great stories.

They have given me a download link that is good for seven days so that I can give four friends a chance to download a PDF version of the most recent issue free of charge.

If you are interested in reading this truly excellent magazine (the most recent issue had short stories from at least three authors with upcoming novels being published) and are a member here on the forums just respond here or to me by private message with your e-mail address and I will send you the link via e-mail.

Sentimental Horde / Bye Bye SH
Last post by Rob - November 16, 2009, 06:54:46 AM
Since our association with Jason Kirckof has ended we won't be hosting Sentimental Horde anymore. But I'll leave this board up a little longer in case anyone wants to contact Jason or has any specific questions about the comic. In a few weeks it will go bye bye along with the comic. Thanks for reading.  ;)
Badly Written, Badly Drawn / Our most recent crime against ...
Last post by Rob - November 16, 2009, 06:48:59 AM
Badly Written, Badly Drawn is my attempt to entertain folks until I get Remedy up and running again. It is my awful sense of humor coupled with the artistic skill of a mentally handicapped spider monkey (also mine). Do not expect anything but the absolute worst comic you can imagine and jokes that would be real knee slappers, if you were eighty and inclined to slapping your knee when amused.

You have been warned. You will be disappointed.  ;)

Should you feel the need to admonish me for my cruelty in inflicting this blister on mankind; this is the place to do it.
Open Topics / Re: Fotawgrephey
Last post by Junodog - November 15, 2009, 02:38:26 PM
Moar art of that character I shared a while ago, except now he's a wolf:

Not done yet, of course, it's lacking the finer details and I want to change the tail so that it's not sticking out at what I feel is a ridiculous angle...

And to keep things interesting, here's something fun I found while playing with google maps:

Now, I realize they have a lot of area to cover, but... hitting our highway while it's under construction just makes it seem like they have a bad sense of timing.  Guess they can't really check for construction projects beforehand because of all the stuff they have to do.  I dunno, I thought it was funny. >.>
Music / Misadventures In Stereo (Jim B...
Last post by Rob - November 09, 2009, 06:48:15 PM

Jim Boggia is probably one of the greatest musicians most people have never heard of. For some examples of why I say that please, check out what he has to offer on YouTube.

He actually has his own channel with some unique stuff as well.

I'm telling you about the free stuff because I want you to see for yourself before I try and convince you to go out and buy his music. Because once you hear how good he is you won't be able to unhear it and you, like me, will crave his sound.

I was privileged to meet Jim when he opened up for Duncan Sheik and David Poe a few years ago. Just a regular, ordinary, plain old nice guy. That may be his problem with the music industry. Nice guys, in the world of business at least, most assuredly finish last and Jim is very nice. I don't mean to suggest that he should suddenly become a pretentious cock so his career options improve. I am suggesting that, in an industry where the most successful tend to be the most; malleable personalities, Jim might just be a bit too smart and good for their tastes.

In his latest offering "Misadventures In Stereo" Jim brings more of the great music he's been making for years. A shameless devotee of The Beatles his use of guitar and harmonies to convey more than the sum of its parts is an awesome thing to behold.

Jim has said that all the songs on "Misadventures In Stereo" deal with loss in one way or another, so even the more up tempo tunes tend to have an introspective, cerebral bend to their lyrics. The final song on the album, "Three Weeks Shy," about a young man whose brother is killed in Iraq, "Three Weeks Shy" of coming home for good is so sad and soulful I get misty every time I hear it.

The music is great. I highly recommend everything Jim has done. If you are checking out his YouTube channel I linked above you should definitely look at the version Jim and some friends did of the Beatles "Don't Let Me Down" around ten years ago on a rooftop in Philly; an amazing homage that in my opinion surpasses the original in some ways.

You can listen to clips of "Misadventures In Stereo" at Amazon.
Music / Re: Since most forums have a t...
Last post by Junodog - November 09, 2009, 09:51:18 AM
Road of the Righteous - Drop Kick Murphys
Movies / District 9
Last post by Rob - November 09, 2009, 06:49:18 AM

I've been a fan of director Neill Blomkamp since he directed the Halo short film "Landfall."

Since the deal for the Halo movie fell apart Blomkamp was out in the cold. Producer Peter Jackson ("King Kong", "Lord of the Rings") presumably felt bad for getting Blomkamp into such a bad situation and used his considerable clout to get another project underway for Blomkamp in short order.

I've seen quite a few movies this summer. District 9 is by far the best. For a fraction of the budget (30 Million) Blomkamp has made a better sci-fi movie than both Michael Bay ("Transformers" = 200 Million) and Stephen Sommers ("G. I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" = 170 Million).

What struck me most about "District 9" was how real it was. Shockingly, horribly, in your face real. The movie can be disturbing at times. Not once was I pulled out of the story by special effects that didn't seamlessly blend with the live action. But what really fed the realism is the story. The more I thought about it the more I realized how true the behavior of the humans was.

And I'm not talking about great acting here. If "District 9" has one flaw it is that the acting could be better. The main cast does a decent job but you can feel the uneasiness in the performance whenever a supporting actor takes center stage.

A mixture of "Independence Day", "Blade Runner", a little "V For Vendetta" and a unique style that is all Blomkamp "District 9" doesn't have a message: it has no politics: it isn't trying to teach you anything. Blomkamp simply holds a mirror up to our faces and says "look at what you did. This is how you behaved when confronted with adversity. Live with it." And it is hard to argue.

A great film and a mark for originality. The originality alone is worth supporting but you get the added benefit of something that is both thought provoking and entertaining. I disagree with Roger Ebert (who did give the movie a positive review but had some issues with the film) that the third act disintegrates into a shoot 'em up. I found it to be understated and, like so much of the film, very real.

If you have a great home theater you could wait for this one on DVD but if not you should really see it in the theater. The effects and performance deserve the big screen. Blomkamp simply understands how to direct film in this digital CGI age better than most of the big names out there today.