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Questions for the Staff / Watching Football
Last post by football - May 11, 2011, 07:57:52 AM
Hello! I love watching football and I loved your blog as well.
The Cream / Absolutely hilarious SNL Sendu...
Last post by Rob - July 31, 2010, 12:08:47 PM

Hilarious though may not be appropriate for work or in mixed company... fair warning.  ;D
The Cream / Re: The Cats and Robots Have J...
Last post by puppydude30 - May 31, 2010, 03:58:58 PM
That seems like the pit bull has been screwed. Sometimes cats could be overpowering dogs. In cases like this dogs won't fell like domineering over cats.
The Cream / Re: GMails Auto Complete Humor
Last post by Junodog - January 27, 2010, 12:43:44 AM
Aw, man, some of those are absolutely priceless. :D
The Cream / Today's Big Thing Fails for 20...
Last post by Rob - January 09, 2010, 07:26:46 PM
Pretty much everything bad that didn't involve a politician, news station or a celebrity and was documented on video from the last year. Oh... no TV shows were involved either. So much fail.

The Cream / Some Funny Images From Around ...
Last post by Rob - January 09, 2010, 06:42:50 PM

*Free Bratwurst. I'm there.

What are you lookin' at... Punk!

An interesting story on this one here.

How did this guy not get tazed by an Air Marshall?

The caption for this one was "He Leaves His Women Satisfied!'

I hope this one is faked because the implications are TERRIFYING!

I think the board is actually a great idea in this modern world of confusion and desperation. The guy with the skirt and the bike with the pink seat and handle bars.... less so.

Right idea... wrong bin.

They're waiting to see "Avatar."

I don't know what happened here but I bet whoever was involved had a lot of fun.

The Cream / Domino Placing Machine
Last post by Rob - January 09, 2010, 06:22:43 PM
Can you imagine what a timesaver this could have been for V from "V For Vendetta?"

The Cream / Finally Something Funny About ...
Last post by Rob - January 09, 2010, 06:17:46 PM
I thought about titling this "Homeless: will berate you/women for food" but since his ultimate goal is to get paid to shine your shoes... or hook up with some random chick I'm not really sure, I felt that title somewhat inaccurate.


A very funny homeless guy.

The Cream / The Cats and Robots Have Joine...
Last post by Rob - January 09, 2010, 06:07:51 PM