We're getting like 1-2 retards a day. Chadm1n and I discussed it and we are going to make the Captcha required to join the forum more difficult (there are apparently set-able difficulty levels that prvide more or less security). If you don't know what a Captcha is, it's that thing with the wierd letters and numbers in it that you have to read and type in to register on the forums when you initially sign up.
I'm thinking the level of security is too low because the posts these accounts are making are criminally stupid. Some have links, but the text itself makes very little sense. One even had an e-mail address that was something-something@e_d_pills.com.
I think you can probably guess what the ED stands for.
Anyway, keep an eye on it. I'm hoping our trip to NY Comic Con will do some good stuff for our traffic, and by extension our forum membership. Thanks.