Remedial Comics

Remedial Comics => Content => Blog Entries => Topic started by: Citi on June 09, 2009, 05:53:50 PM

Title: June 7th, 2009: "Sorry it Took so Long"
Post by: Citi on June 09, 2009, 05:53:50 PM
QuoteI know I warned of a possible delay but I didn't think it would come to this. Those of you who read regularly (we love you!) know how much I despise missed updates and delays. I think I'm harder on me about it than you are.

But shit, as the man says, happens. And Jason has had just a crazy couple of weeks.

The good news is I do have a comic for tomorrow and it's a good one.

The bad news is we might have a skip week the following week. We'll see. Maybe Jason can pull it out for us. Job and life come first though; not necessarily in that order.

I do have some other good news though for some of you who might enjoy the quacking sound of my written word. I've updated the Movies, The Tube, Gaming and Web with content that is actually (mostly) current and relevent. Well; it's new at any rate.

I'm also going to copy all the reviews to the forum, so if you would like to fire back, or offer opinions of your own please do. We encourage a healthy discourse here, and we've been doing a pretty good job keeping the Viagra peddlers out lately as well.

I do want to take a moment and explain about some upcoming changes. Jason has decided that making the weekly commitment is just too much for him. So we are in the process of extricating him from the group. Not as easy as it sounds because I can't draw for shit. I've posted want ads all over the internet looking for someone to take over for Jason but I just haven't found the right person.

So I've decided to become the right person. I've been busting my butt to get good with this 3D stuff I've been on and on about so I can create models of our intrepid characters and take to animating and rendering them on my own. Jason is helping with that and in a (hopefully) short period of time I'll have the tools at hand to deliver more Remedy content to you, and faster, than ever before.

I really think you are going to enjoy the changes that are coming. I just hope you can bear with us while we do some remodeling and move some stuff around. I and all of us here at Remedial Comics appreciate the patience.

See you back here tomorrow with some Remedy.


But I'm going to leave my "Skip Week" blog up a bit longer. I'll post something new in a day or two when I feel like the message has gotten out.

Oh, and if you think you know someone who might be up to the task of taking over the art for our departing Jason please let me know. You can find my contact info in the Remedial Comics FAQ above.

I forgot to mention that Jason plans to stick around and focus on "Sentimental Horde" so we'll hopefully be getting some updates with that in the future. In the mean time we do have some SH comics we haven't posted yet. I'll try and get a few more up for next week in case Jason can't come through with a new Remedy. At least then you'll have something to check out (assuming you haven't seen them before).