Remedial Comics

Remedial Comics => Basement => Open Topics => Topic started by: Junodog on June 08, 2009, 11:28:03 PM

Title: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Junodog on June 08, 2009, 11:28:03 PM
So, this is a forum about a comic.  And I'm a person who reads this comic.  How's that for a coincidence?

So I have a dog ( named ( Juno (  And I live in Colorado where we get a bit of snow in the winter.  I tend to like most forms of entertainment, whether media-based or sport-based, and I'm a fiction writer, playwright, and filmmaker.  I also think extreme poverty is bad.

I plan on posting entertaining things here, and I look forward to talking to you folks.
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Rob on June 09, 2009, 12:53:40 AM

thanks for making the effort to join our tiny little community. If you followed my trip blogs recently you would know I passed through your home state on my way back to the east coast. My ears are still a little wonky from the drop down from Vale to Denver.

Not a fan of snow. We get more than enough here in CT.

A fiction writer? That's great. Another new friend who's a fiction writer. Please link me to something you've written. I'd be very interested.

I learned as a technical director in High School that the stage is just not for me. I got thrown into the "Norman Fell" roll in "Inherit The Wind" and knew right away that as much as I'm a ham I need takes to get it right.

I did write a play in college though. It was about a band formed by six British Kings from different times in history and Jesus was thier tour bus driver but they didn't know it.

It's awful. LOL.

Filmmaking has always been a hobby of mine (mostly machinima and voice acting although with this animation program I'm learning I hope to branch out big time and soon). Have you done anything I might have seen?

Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you here. ;)

P.S. you're dog looks like a real load of fun. Reminds me of my last dog "Bear." Half Rottwieler, half St. Bernard he was the biggest, smartest and toughest dog I've ever known while being a total sweetheart at the same time. He got run over by the back wheels of a truck once when he was younger and ran around like it was no big deal. We had eight great years with him and had to put him down in 2006 because he couldn't walk anymore and was in pain all the time. Great dog though. Your's has that same adventerous look in his eyes Bear had.

Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Junodog on June 09, 2009, 02:10:39 AM
Yeah, I saw your trip route.  I live in Crested Butte, a small hippie/rancher/ski bum filled tourist town about 70 miles directly south of I-70 and 30 miles south of Aspen, but as you can probably guess from driving through Colorado it's rather difficult to drive from there to my hometown the google maps way unless you're feeling really adventurous (  And if you're not a snow fan, you have about 4-5 months out of the year when you can come up here and not get snowed on, and even that's a stretch.  Heck, it snowed here yesterday.  Not for long and it didn't stick, but still.  And in the winter... new snowfall record from the 07-08 winter is 418 inches.  That second picture of Juno I linked to?  She and I were both standing on nothing but snow, and that was only in December.

Um, my stuff, hmm...  I don't have much original fiction online, just a bunch of fanfiction that's up on (same username) that consists of me crossing my favorite series over with almost everything I could think of, but here's a smallish thing ( of mine that's fairly recent.  Oh, and some morbid love poetry ( that I completely forgot about until finding it just now.

I've only written two plays that were ready to be performed, and of those only one was performed because the second didn't have a director.  This one ( was performed for a 10-minute play thing here in town, then the one I wrote for the next year isn't online but it's called "The Hobo in the Cupboard" and I like it better than the first one, which is good because that means I've been improving instead of getting worse.  Both of these took me about an afternoon to write. :D

I haven't made much in the way of high-quality original film stuff either, the ones I actually put effort into were all fan-videos, but now that I have Final Cut and a tablet and a webcam that has better video quality than my digital camera, I'm hoping that will change.  I'm junodog20 (whoever took plain junodog hasn't signed on in years >:( ) and tehangstman on youtube.  But yeah, I kind of doubt you've seen my stuff unless you're into Fullmetal Alchemist.  My sister, on the other hand, has been putting up comedy videos on youtube recently, the most entertaining of which (I think) is her Lakeshore Drive series that parodies The Hills.

And Juno certainly is the best dog ever.[/bias]  She's still pretty energetic considering she's 8 already, and she's not always the brightest, but she is a sweetie.  Last night I was singing out loud to practice for a friend's act for a variety show, and Juno got up and walked over to my bed and lay down next to it, so I guess she liked my singing?  XD
Your dog sounds like he would have been a blast.  Big dogs are great, they're almost always the sweetest things.  Too bad they're thought of by non-dog-lovers as being the meaner ones.

So, uh, yeah.  Big wall of text, but luckily that's about all I can think of to say at the moment.  Thanks for the welcome. :)
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Citi on June 09, 2009, 05:56:48 PM
Yay, a new member that I don't have to ban!  :D

Welcome to the site.
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Junodog on June 09, 2009, 07:39:08 PM
Quote from: Citi on June 09, 2009, 05:56:48 PM
Yay, a new member that I don't have to ban!  :D

You don't?  Wow, I'm doing good!  XD

Thanks for the welcome. :)
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Rob on June 10, 2009, 02:52:49 AM
Yeah sorry I haven't gotten to reading your stuff Juno. We had a pool delivered today and our first Poland Spring delivery for the water cooler and I had a doctors appointment and we had company for dinner and I had to rip half of the back deck railing off in prep for installing the pool and I've been working on 3 different Tao lessons for my 3D program.

So yeah.

Busy day.

I'll try and get on that tomorrow.  ;)

Although I just remembered what I have to do tomorrow... so no promises.  :'(
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Junodog on June 10, 2009, 06:07:40 AM
Ha ha, there's no rush.  At least you're being more productive than I am.  This right here ( is how I've been spending my evening.
(I swear I'd have ended it by now if I didn't keep making stupid mistakes...)
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Rob on June 10, 2009, 06:52:33 AM
Don't let CITI see you are using Firefox. He'll get all excited. He's a bit of a computer rebel. The last time we had a user that had Ubunto as his OS I had to hit him with the hose.
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Citi on June 10, 2009, 06:37:19 PM
That was the best time your hose ever had. It's famous now!

Edit: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww Mac!
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Junodog on June 10, 2009, 08:43:20 PM
Quote from: Citi on June 10, 2009, 06:37:19 PM
Edit: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww Mac!
Not just any Mac.  This Mac will be responsible for the downfall of The Man.  This Mac is a rebel!

....Or so I hope.
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Chadm1n on June 11, 2009, 02:26:45 AM
Welcome, Junodog!

My sincere apologies for the delayed greeting... I don't post all that much. I more or less lurk in the shadows and keep an eye out for problems with the servers.

I visited Colorado back in 1993. Sadly, the only things I remember well are a.) chasing someone across a parking lot and nearly passing out afterward due to the altitude, and b.) slipping on some ice and landing on my arse!

I hope to make it back out that way in the near future to try skiing on real snow. Here in New England, skiing amounts to little more than sliding over ice and eeking out a semi-controlled crash at the end.
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Junodog on June 11, 2009, 04:40:00 AM
Well hi.  Never been skiing in New England, but it doesn't sound like I'm missing much.
Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Rob on June 16, 2009, 06:15:54 AM
Finally got around to checking out your writing.

I have to admit I'm not much for the Yoai-esque story you are writing with your characters up there. But that's just a taste thing. I don't mind people men being effeminate and/or gay. I even had a gay roomate once. But I have no desire to read about it. I'm much more intrigued by your "Meteor" story.

You have a flair for dialogue that really shines in that. You need to examine the three act structure, work on your narrative spine and perhaps polish the plot a little bit (and some character development wouldn't hurt... but then it is a 10 minute play with a lot of characters for such a small amount of time... then again there is an awful lot of dialogue). But your dialogue really crackles.

It has a sort of Monty Python-esque bearing to it in the rythm and absurdity of what your characters are saying. 

As for your character description. It's kind of "Wall O' Text" there with that. Maybe I can help you with a character description I wrote for one of the Remedy characters.

I had to rather heavily edit this so as not to give away some future Remedy plot points but here is an example of a character profile... the kind that professional writers use when writing thier books and stories (I know because a professional writer gave the structure to me).

But here is Artur's character profile.

Copy it down, I may delete this later as it does tell an awful lot about Artur.

Name: Artur Siedleski – AKA: Remedy
Date of Birth: April 12, 1970
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Krakow, Poland
Political Affiliation: Independent with Conservative leanings
Religion: Weak Agnostic

Physical Attributes:
Height: 6' 7"
Weight: 245
Skin: White
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black (Graying at the temples)
Build: Extremely fit and strong but battling age.

Artur Siedleski – AKA: Remedy is the oldest of five children and a first generation Polish Immigrant. His parents brought him into the United States illegally at the age of 8. Although he understands Polish he doesn't speak it well and has no discernable accent.

His father Sobieslaw Siedleski disappeared while looking for work in the mid 1970's and was declared dead by the polish Government at the behest of Sabina Siedleski in 1989.

Sabina Siedleski applied for green cards for herself and her children (except the youngest 2 who were born in the U.S. and given citizenship status automatically) in 1987 under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 but was denied due to a plethora of misdemeanor convictions putting the entire family in danger of deportation. Artur joined the U.S. Military to secure his U.S. Citizenship in 1988 and was able to delay his families deportation long enough to secure them all green card status in the U.S.

Artur Siedleski served in the U.S. Army as a Ranger from 1988-1992. His tours included Berlin, Georgia and a combat tour in the Middle East during the Gulf War. He received an honorable discharge in 1992 under the Reduction in Forces Act.

He felt guilty about carrying the mantle of hero having done so little and the war ending so fruitlessly. He went to school at night and got a job with a large pharmecuetical firm as an office manager.

One day after catching a purse snatcher he decided that the crime in his home city was out of control and he decided to become a vigilante. He reads the dictionary in his spare time at work and was intrigued by the definition of the word Remedy. He takes it as his hero identity.

Title: Re: Heeeyyy...
Post by: Junodog on June 16, 2009, 07:06:37 AM
Quote from: Rob on June 16, 2009, 06:15:54 AM
I have to admit I'm not much for the Yoai-esque story you are writing with your characters up there. But that's just a taste thing. I don't mind people men being effeminate and/or gay. I even had a gay roomate once. But I have no desire to read about it. I'm much more intrigued by your "Meteor" story.

It seemed yaoi-esque?  Huh.  I wasn't going for that, as I'm pretty sure Kyler's straight, but I did think it emphasized the creepy guy's creepiness a bit much.  It was mostly an excuse to use both the 'Kyler looks like a girl' and 'Kyler's blindingly pale' jokes.  I'll keep that in mind for when I write the full story though (or if, as I'd have to get inspired to keep writing it first...).  I usually don't put in gay pairings into my stories because... well, I haven't thought of any character that would have a good story if placed with a same-sex partner.

Quote from: Rob on June 16, 2009, 06:15:54 AM
You have a flair for dialogue that really shines in that. You need to examine the three act structure, work on your narrative spine and perhaps polish the plot a little bit (and some character development wouldn't hurt... but then it is a 10 minute play with a lot of characters for such a small amount of time... then again there is an awful lot of dialogue). But your dialogue really crackles.

It has a sort of Monty Python-esque bearing to it in the rythm and absurdity of what your characters are saying. 

Good points, those.  I've been studying more about writing and theatre since then so I can see what you mean.

Quote from: Rob on June 16, 2009, 06:15:54 AM
As for your character description. It's kind of "Wall O' Text" there with that. Maybe I can help you with a character descitption I wrote for one of the Remedy characters.

I was actually trying to write it as if it was going to go in the first chapter of a long-ish novel, but I do have other characters that need to be fleshed out a bit more (Kyler is ever-changing as he's my 'alter-ego' of sorts) so I'll probably use that kind of format with them.

And I just found a REALLY old story that I just now realized was posted twice on there.  Which makes sense, because the second time I posted it I had found it in my writing folder and I hadn't remembered writing it at all, so it makes sense that I wouldn't have remembered posting it either.  First time. (  Second time. (  My attitude towards it kind of changed a bit over the years.  It'd be just fine if it weren't angst-ridden and painfully unrealistic, though.  I think.