(http://www.remedialcomics.com/images/movies/Hancock.jpg)Just released on DVD this comic book adaptation starring Will Smith had so much promise. It's a shame it just didn't deliver. Don't get me wrong, it had its moments and the premise was great. An anti-hero for our time, down on his luck turns to drinking and draws the ire of the public he tries to protect. The movie is at its best when Hancock is behaving badly and at its worst when the actual plot starts to unfold. Jason Bateman is likeable and Cherlize Theron is always a babe but the great mystery Hancock is trying to uncover to resolve the main plot problem is clumsily delivered and even when resolved, cryptic. I won't give it away but even when the movie is over and Hancock has found his place in the world you won't know why or what he is and what little information you do get just left me feeling cheated. It's worth a rent but only if you have a Netflix membership or can get it for a buck from one of those Redbox things in the supermarket. I would pay a full rental or pay-per-view fee for it and I certainly wouldn't buy it.