Haven't talked to you in awhile. How goes it? You make Grifball Commissioner yet? If so... regret it yet? ;)
He's an administrator. And he's terrible.
Only when I change rules so my team can make playoffs.
Well isn't that aperk of the office?
I suspended one of my players because I didn't want to make the playoffs. But we did anyway. We were just too awesome for me. ::)
Wait. You were trying to not make playoffs?
Guess who's one of 3 Administrators running the grifball league next season!
Quote from: Citi on June 13, 2009, 01:18:53 AM
Guess who's one of 3 Administrators running the grifball league next season!
Your mom?
REAL original. You're such a Quikthnkr.
Quote from: Citi on June 13, 2009, 04:13:44 PM
REAL original. You're such a Quikthnkr.
That word should never be uttered in these halls.
He who shall not be named is DEAD!
PAX! Everyone go!
PAX 09!!!
I'm sure some of you know about some of the secret projects I have been working on. Well it's time to announce one. We have a Panel this year at PAX!!! On Saturday, September 5th, 2009 from 8:30 to 9:30 PST you can come to the first official AGLA Panel! The Panelists will include BurnieBurns (Grifball Creator), PP MooCow PP (Grifball Commissioner), Adam Pisani (Pro League Admin), I Citi I (Amateur League Admin), HighlandHellrazr (Amateur League Admin/GrifballHub rep) and HellSlayer (Grifball.org rep). Special thanks to Leo for the idea and helping put this together. The panel will have info ranging from Grifball's history, to its future, an exclusive video, a Q&A segment and special announcements.
Hope to see you there!
Man I wish I could. Always wanted to go to a PAX and if I was there I know you would totally invite me up for the panel. Since everyone would want to talk to me since I'm the greatest Grifball Commish EVAR!
Right? ;D
You joke, but you were the best.
I have only just looked into this grifball thing, and it appears I need to look into it some more. *interested*
But of course I couldn't go to PAX even if I knew more about it on account of me living in the middle of nowhere.
Grifball can be a lot of fun when played for fun. And I had a lot of fun running the community too (although I did way more than was asked of me so it pretty much sucked the life out of me).
I had a lot of personal issues going on in my last season and as I was head of the league and a former champion I had pretty much reached the pinnacle of Grifball heights. There was nowhere else to go but down. So I retired at the top of my game and left it at that.
And as much as Citi likes to say that I was the best leader, there were a LOT of folks who could not stand me while I was running the league. Including the guy who took over for me and never really apologized for all the shit he gave me the last few weeks as I tried to parse my personal life and grifball life in proper proportions (this despite the fact that he, by most people's estimations, wasa poor subsititute for me who did little to support the initiatives I started; he clearly underestimated the job in both the time he thought he would have to devote to it and the manner in which he treated me while I was doing it).
Now the league is smaller and run by a lot more people. I reached out to a few friends who helped me, like Citi, when I was running things but the burden was on me. I'm gratified by the fact that many of the folks I tapped to help me when I was doing things are now running the league, helping run the league or are , like LB Country, doing other important things with Rooster Teeth.
That's my legacy. It's a shame the live show "Someday Night Grifball" and the weekly podcast "The Grifball Explosion" never really got the attention they deserved and have since somewhat withered and passed away. I knew as soon as my successor announced that he would not support them that they were fucked and there was nothing I could do about it. Citi made a go of it but without the folks running the league who have access to the Rooster Teeth crew actively participating it's almost impossible to keep the audience.
There were some very good players on my old team. One in particular was, at that time, considered the best ever. But as amazing as that kid was I was almost sorry to have him on the team. He gave everyone an excuse to discount the rest of us as holding onto his coat tails which just absolutely wasn't true.
We were all very good at the game. Even the Rooster Teeth member we were saddled with was without a doubt far better than the average player. We would play random pickup games against players that weren't used to playing together and Nico would go beast and slaughter most of thier team on his own. He's such a nice guy he actually played better when the other team got him mad. But mostly I think he just enjoyed finally beating the other Rooster Teeth guys at something; and I was glad to be a part of that.
The girls on our team were without a doubt in the top five of all girls in the league. Our primary ball runner, despite his mouth and disappointing level of arrogance was very good at what he did and I think the rest of us were pretty good too. There was a time, for awhile when I was the number one ball carrier in the league. It didn't last but it was true that, at that time, if I got my hands on the ball I scored a lot more often than not.
And I auctioned off my prize, my Recon armor, for charity and raised a pretty nice chunk of change for disabled war veterans. Approved by Bungie and Xbox Live it was only the second armor auction I have ever heard of.
I should call Burnie up and tell him I want to run the league again. And then just let that info ... slip to the guys running the league now.
Why I bet the level of drama would get almost as high as it did when I was actually commissioner. LOL.
But please, if I ever ask for that job again just shoot me. Back o' the head. Bango! :P
Good luck at PAX man. I know you will represent! If someone gets some video of the panel definitely link me to it and I'll post about it in the blog. ;)
Reserved for a reply when I'm sober ;)
Quote from: Citi on July 11, 2009, 05:55:09 AM
Reserved for a reply when I'm sober ;)
So basically never then? Happy cirrosis! ;D
SNGB lasted for a little while, but now it's only really used for the championship games. I think some members have tried to host Grifball Podcasts, but none of them have been as successful as the Explosion. I kinda miss those days now :(.
Ok, now I'm hungover :(
Rob is now considered the most "fair" commish grifball has ever had, and would always reply extremely quickly to questions people asked him. He came up with the most creative new ideas. (BTW Quik, regular season SNG games have faded away, but they're really picked up during the playoffs, especially when teams want to play on a neutral host. The WL09 Legacy Championships were broadcast and played on a neutral host, as were the SL09 Amateur and Pro Championships. Grifballhub.com and grifball.org each run their own weekly podcast, too.)
What you said about your team was true though. Even when we started putting together "Super teams", Cannonball was still almost impossible to beat. You guys may have been getting outslayed like mad, but your defense was airtight. It's unfortunate that you got knocked out when someone decided to cheat, I was looking forward to the Cannonball - Grunts of Fury rematch.
We never actually lost to any (at the time) legacy team. I think in the end we just beat ourselves. I don't want to take anything away fromt he guys that finally knocked us out (they were an excellent team), but towards that last game two of us had announced our impending retirement already and two others had already announced they were leaving the team.
You go into your final games knowing that it's over already and it really makes a difference in your head. But we didn't lose because jabberjaw cheated and was temporarily benched. He was back in status and played in that game.
The other kid... the one who went to SYLAL. He showed up less than a minute before the game was supposed to start and had no warmup so Nico left him out. It was the right decision because he was so late and had no wrmup. But that is probably one of the things that led to the defeat. And no I don't mean Nico benching him, I mean him showing up late and not practicing.
It was a great run though. I bet we still have the longest undefeated streak of any team since we went almost two full season without losing a game.
I'm glad SNGB is used for something. The nuetral host factor was something I never considered but I guess that can be a pretty big selling point. Does it work better now that party chat is in place? It seems to me that that push to talk crap was the biggest impediment and once it was gone I was hoping the show would really take off. That plus the Sandbox map Bungie built should have brought a real rennaissance for the game.
The podcast I knew just wasn't going to last without Rooster Teeth involvement and the titular leader of the league on hand every week. Sure some will show up to hear themselves on the podcast and some will show up to listen to themselves get interviewed but it was stuff like the Sarge interview, the Andy interview and the promised (and I would have gotten them if I had more time) Grif and Burnie interviews that really kept the show alive and kept people coming back for more and telling others about it.
But the PAX thing will be good too. Just as long as it's done professionally. Watch out for people with thier chests puffed out looking to grandstand. Pretend you are talking about drywall installation or some other boring topic. Be informative but very matter of fact. Be charming but don't overdo it. And you will be great.
Good luck. ;)
Menz is going to totally ignore that last paragraph. His ego will take over at PAX.
Quote from: RomanArrow on July 11, 2009, 05:53:26 PM
Menz is going to totally ignore that last paragraph. His ego will take over at PAX.
I'm e-famous!
ZOMG guess what this weekend is!
Festivus? :o
PAX, my friend. "Speaker" pass is awesome. Like, for real.
Write it up with any video or pictures and I'll put it on the front page if you want. If instead you plan on doing something with one of the multitude of Grifball sites as far as reporting about it I'll mention it and link to it.
Hope you have a good time.
At the very least let us all know here how it went. ;)
Oooooooooo panely! (http://grifballhub.com/pax09-the-grifball-panel/)
That was... emotional. I don't know how Burnie felt about it but for me it was like watching everything that I worked so hard for coming to fruition. Almost everyone up there was related to the work I did some how.
Everyone listed my season as Commissioner (except for you, you bastard :D) as thier favorite.
I even got mentioned once. LOL. By Moocow of all people. The only guy besides the Grifball Hub guy on the panel who I didn't have much interaction with.
Ah well. It's nice to see it all grown up and out on it's own.
Maybe I'll come back some day and pwn all you suckers. ;D
Just wait until you hear the announcement we didn't get to make.
I'm not allowed to tell you what it is yet :-\
OMG. I may die from anticipation.
Oh wait.
No I won't. ;D
Seriously though, if I wanted to find out I would call Burns up and ask him. I signed a non-disclose with RT when I was down in Austin with them so it wouldn't be an issue.
Since I don't play and it doesn't affect me I'd rather wait to hear it with the world.
But since I don't go to Grifball.com anymore you should probably tell me when everyone finds out otherwise I will probably remain blissfully ignorant. LOL. ;)
Personally, the only thing I'm waiting for now is my induction into the Grifball Hall of Fame. ;)
I think someone's working on making a Hall of Fame.
This does not surprise me. 8)