Remedial Comics

Remedial Comics => Content => Blog Entries => Topic started by: Citi on March 18, 2009, 06:52:45 PM

Title: Membership Drive
Post by: Citi on March 18, 2009, 06:52:45 PM
QuoteHey everyone. We here at Remedial Comics could use your help; and I promise you it won't cost a cent.

Do I have your attention now?

This isn't a donation drive, although who turns down free money? No this is a membership drive.

We are doing all we can to provide you with an excellent product; free of charge, in the form of our comics. Our truest desire is to share our art and stories with as many folks as possible. The more the merrier and that's where you come in.

You guys are our core. You're the folks who come here every other day looking for your fix. You are our first fans and I love you dearly. Seriously, you have made a lot of my little fantasies come true and the only way I can think to pay you back is by providing a great story for as long as I can. For that we need more readers.

We need more folks commenting, we need more folks in the forums and we need more folks telling thier friends about us.

So in furtherance of that goal, I ask that you take a couple minutes of your time today and show at least one person our web site. Please. And if you have the time and you want to help support us there is more you can do.

When we attended New York Comic Con I had Jason design some very nice business cards for us to hand out to folks. I bought enough so that I've had plenty to hand out to people all over the country as I travel. I wish I could give them to you, so you could hand them out to people you meet and tell them about us.

So I will.

Here is the card (front and back) in JPEG format and there are links below in PSD if you want the original photoshop files.


Back of Card PSD (
Front of Card PSD (

Place them on your dorm bulleting board. Put them in your break room. Print them out and leave some at the office in the conference room. Anything you do will be very much appreciated.

This is an important turning point for us. Our story is going from "funny most of the time" to funny a lot of the time, sad at others and hopefully, deeper and more interesting. In chapter one I wanted to introduce you and let you get to know Artur and Ash. Now in chapter two the story is going to progress more rapidly and the simple, every day existance of being Artur Siedleski will become much more difficult.

Please don't be worried. We have no plans to go anywhere. You aren't in danger of losing us quite yet. But as I'm sure you know; new things, especially new things we like need support and nurturing if they are to blossom to thier full potential. I'm asking you to pollinate me baby.

What else do you have to do on a Wednesday?