Remedial Comics
Remedial Comics => Content => Blog Entries => Topic started by: Citi on March 09, 2009, 01:27:43 PM
QuoteI'll talk more about the comic on Wednesday as this one ties into that one and I don't want to leak any spoilers.
I'm having a pretty great time here in San Felipe. Today (Sunday) was the worst weather I've seen since arriving and the most I have to complain about is cool and overcast. So in other words; not much to complain about.
How appropriate it is that today's comic kind of relates to racing when here in San Felipe the Baja 250 ( is next Friday (or Saturday depending on who you ask). I'm not much of a race fan but the locals seem very excited. There is a lot more traffic on the road in the past few days and ATV's are everywhere. Plus the course is apparently already open for test runs so all these wierd looking off road vehicles are bouncing around everywhere in the desert. If I feel the spirit move me I'll try and get some video. Don't count on it though; because as fun as it looks to drive those things it doesn't interest me much as a spectator. If any readers are down here in San Felipe, have one of those gajillion dollar race cars and want to pay for the fuel to let me tear ass around the desert I will say really nice things about you here on the blog.
You could pay me for my time too. Then I would add pictures and ask everyone to cheer you on for the race.
I don't want to sound dismissive. I'm not kidding when I say it looks like a lot of fun. I fully intend to rent an ATV one of the days I'm down here and go scare some lizards myself. It's something I've always wanted to do since I rode dirt motocross as a kid in New England. But I've been all over the world. I've driven some of the finest military vehicles made by man in some of the harshest terrains on the planet; in one case while watching artillary explode and hoping not to get shot. So just watching one of these races just doesn't interest me.
The gentleman renting me my apartment described watching the race as "sitting in the sun for ten minutes until a car or motorcycle goes by; then everyone yells and screams whilst choking on dust as the vehicle disappears over the next hill. Then you sit there and wait ten minutes for the next car to go by. Rinse, repeat and so on.
Speaking of my landlord, he and his wife took me to a lovely dinner in town the other night. I met many of thier friends. A bunch of very nice people.
That's it for today. I know you must be disappointed I didn't write another political novel here on the blog. What can I say, I can't be Bob Woodward every day.
Wednesday's comic is one of Jason's best. Trust me you don't want to miss it.
I hope your Monday goes well for you.