Why hello there.....
You seem to have a really bored teenager on your hands now..... ::)
Liking the comic so far...keep it up. ;D
So...hows life?
I think teenagers have the largest amount of disposable income in the country so the more the merrier. And the bored ones are the best. They tend to appreciate those who alleviate thier boredom. ::)
Seriously though, I'm glad you liked chapter one. Chapter 2 starts Monday. Please, tell your friends. ;)
Life is life. I like that metaphor Steve Martin's grandmother told in "Parenthood." It's like a roller coaster. It goes up, it goes down and so on. You can ride the merry go round where nothing much happens or you can get on the roller coaster and risk your ass.
Right now I'm in a down phase. Looking for work sucks. But I'm looking forward to things picking up and doing this comic has been a real barrel roll. ;)
Damn...disposable income is something I wish I had......
I've got a job, and that took forever to find. Haha
But pretty much alllllll that lovely money goes into car insurance.......then guitar stuff. hehe
I feel ya on the job thing. I was looking for 3 months before I finally found one. As a waiter. So I'm just raking in the big bucks.
I thought you were managing an inn or some shit? What happened with that?
I hope I never have to be a waiter....... I'll stick to my 7.25 an hour. woot.
Yeah, waiting tables must be pretty tough. I've never done it. I've always been afraid of working in the food service industry. I'm afraid it will put me off food. When my sister was a teenager she worked for McDonalds and I remember the cats follwing her home because of the hamburger smell.
Hilarious. ;)
Luckily, I work at a fairly upscale place. Cheapest entree on the menu is $18.95. So...no hamburgers for me!
No shit that's money.
I thought you were an inn keeper though? Some kind of night job thingie. What happened with that?
That was more of a promotion/side job, at the same place. I was hired primarily as a waiter though.