We should make an avatar pack for Sentimental Horde. I think there are more than enough color images of the characters to pull that off. It would probably just take a few hours of photoshopping.
If I have time I'm going to look into this. ;)
Speaking of avatars Jason, I changed yours because it was showing up as a red X. The artist who draws the comic should not have a broken image link as his avatar. It's just too ironic. ;D
A SH pic pack would be 1337 ballin.
Not sure why would be appearing as x, it look just find on my computer. My avatar of course was Sarlak from Sentimental Horde.
It was definitely showing up as a red x and it was the only one. Everyone else's avatars showed up fine. I tried reloading your profile several times and it didin't make any difference. So I changed it. You can always change it back man. Just go to your profile preferences. ;)