Remedial Comics

Remedial Comics => Content => Blog Entries => Topic started by: Citi on February 23, 2009, 07:46:10 AM

Title: January 30th, 2009: "Happy Zombie Birthday"
Post by: Citi on February 23, 2009, 07:46:10 AM
QuoteAs mentioned in Wednesday's blog (, Libby is under contract with the USO and therefore traveling. That's the "show" Artur is asking about in panel 3.

I'm pretty unhappy with our news media as of late. I remember after all the lies and shenaniganry the Bush administration committed after 9/11 was revealed, the media spent several weeks chastising itself for not digging deeper into the press releases and trying to verify the facts they were being spoon fed by the White House. It seems the media has now swung the other way. Where our blind rage after the terrorist attacks maybe resulted in folks not asking enough questions of what our government is doing, now it seems to be some kind of honeymoon inspired by the popularity of our new president. And a number of government branches are getting in on the love.

This is what passes for reporting these days. (

Well, that and a constant stream of reports about a) Wall Street going to crap; b) companies wasting bailout money; or c) yet more layoffs and/or unemployment numbers. But the above article by the Associated Press really disappoints me. I mean; what is the point of this article? The lead line is "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says if you're a criminal and you're not entitled to be in the United States, she wants you out of the country." How is this news? I mean, isn't it a little obvious? Now if it said "Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says if you're a criminal and you're not entitled to be in the United States, she wants you to mow her lawn and share your favorite chili recipes with her." Well that would be news wouldn't it? Hopefully this kind of posturing and ladder climbing won't be a staple of the new administration.

Here's a thought Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano; why don't we get some real immigration reform in place? That way we can take the truckloads of money the government will make off of fees and tax revenue (from both the immigrants and their lawyers) and use it to stimulate the economy and provide better security on our borders. Then the 800 or so ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement - they don't call it INS anymore) agents spread out across the country can stop chasing the 14 million or so Pedro the masons and Lupa the housekeepers who are just trying to put their kid through community college and get after the 250k or so real scumbags who see America as a land of a dubious kind of opportunity.


I love nerds. Is there anything cooler than a nerd on a mission? Zombies Ahead! ( I'm not sure, but this might just be one of my all time favorite crimes; right up there with the "President Bush Shoe Thrower (" and the "Great Light Bright Boston Bomb Scare ("  The Texas DoT people are trying to make it sound like a serious crime and that there is driver safety issues involved. But you can tell from the report that they are just going through the motions and find this as hilarious as the rest of us do.

Everyone please wish a belated happy birthday to our resident techmeister Chadm1n. Yesterday he turned 010100100100111000101001010100001 years old. In celebration he did something with his computers that I am too ignorant to understand. I hope you enjoyed it buddy... whatever it was.

That's it, another week in the can. I hope to see you guys next Monday. Next week will be the buildup to NY Comic Con and I'll have some info about that. Also we'll be adding about twenty new (old) Sentimental Horde comics to the archive (someone will post a blog so you know when that happens) and we're nearing the end of Chapter one in the Remedy story. A couple more weeks and the story is going to start ramping up with a bit more action and drama.

Have a great weekend. Peace!