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Leverage (TNT)

Started by Rob, November 09, 2009, 06:45:49 AM

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"Leverage" is fun. The premise is shaky, the acting is sketchy and the stories are stock standard; but as I said, it's fun.

Watching Timothy Hutton chew scenery can be painful. I remember when he was a fairly serious actor in fairly serious roles so there are moments, usually when the fourth wall becomes in serious danger of being broken, where I feel the need to turn away. But he has the range to handle the dramatic parts of the series, like the death of his son and recovery from alcoholism better than most.

Another old friend is Christian Kane. I've always enjoyed his tough guy performances. He was on "Angel" for years and it's good to see him back in action.

The rest of the cast I'm unfamiliar with but they handle the roles competently.

Leverage is, in short, a modern day blending of "Mission: Impossible", "Ocean's Eleven" and "The A Team." If you liked any of these shows then you will find something to enjoy with "Leverage."

There are some really bad moments, for example when Aldis Hodge's "Hardison" hacks an airplanes' electrical system and computer, via another character's cell phone, from thousands of miles away. Stuff like that really sets of my bullshit alarm and smacks of dues ex machina.

Then there are some really cool moments. "Leverage" is at its best when the plan is working and everyone is very slickly doing their part without whining or problems. There are a lot of these moments.

In the second season the show has moved more towards being character driven with, sadly, more whining and more blown plans and less plot. I'm hoping the pendulum swings back a bit but it's apparent that the actors are having fun with the roles. Hopefully the writing staff can start firing stuff that's a bit more complex than the corporate investor who stole from the shelter that they've done about four times now.

But as their plots usually involve money in some way (or why else would four mercenary thieves want to get involved I guess) I doubt it. I had a mechanic charge me $400 bucks once for essentially breaking my car worse than it was when I brought it to him. I could have used the Leverage team.

The first season was a hoot and I can recommend it. The second season less so but it was still enjoyable. The absance of Sophie (the actress who plays Sophie was off on maternity leave) was felt, but the time the show spent dwelling on it made it worse. The entrance of Jeri Ryan as her (short term I guess? I don't think anyone knows for sure and the producers aren't telling) replacement I saw coming a mile away. I enjoyed her (what hetero male didn't?) in "Star Trek Voyager" so hopefully her presence will usher in a good third season.