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Wii - MarioKart (Nintendo)

Started by Rob, June 07, 2009, 10:13:12 PM

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I've never been much for racing games but this one stands head and shoulders above the norm. I'm not sure if it's all the different vehicles or the 32 different tracks (and that's not including the 32 more that are created when you play the first 32 backwards) that makes the game so addicting but adding the element of random luck to a racing game really makes a huge difference. There were times when I got so frustrated trying to beat a level (the last four races of the 150 CC, also known as the lightning circuit were so hard to beat I had to play it dozens of times before I got a lucky break and tied for first place (nice to know Nintendo gives the tie to the player) that I wanted to hurl my steering wheel through the TV screen. All your favorite Mario characters are here, once you get past a certain point, the game even lets you race as your Mii. What I really love about the Wii, and MarioKart specifically is the way it uses the controller to alter perspective in game and challenges you to react to that change. MarioKart utilizes the Wiimote to full effect to make an extremely enjoyable game with a ton of replay value. Buy this game and you'll be cheating your friends out of first place with cheap bullet power ups and mushroom boosts for a long time to come. If you own a Wii this game is a must buy. Fear the blue turtle shell; it does not discriminate and it shows no mercy.


MarioKart has always been the only racing game I've bothered to play-- driving is just not as fun when you're not hurling ridiculous weapons at your enemies. I've been playing since the N64 version, and while I still think DoubleDash might be my favorite, the Wii version is pretty fun. I like the option of bikes, but I'm still not sure about the Wiimote controller... it's way too touchy for me to get comfortable with it. I still only play with the old GameCube controller; I feel like it's easier to handle.

My favorite part of MK Wii was the nostalgia tracks. :D I love seeing the old N64 and SNES tracks updated and playable again. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy again without having to actually deal with the old-style controllers.

The Wii game IS much harder than the others, though, mostly because they bump the AI handicap up to crazy levels. Essentially you HAVE to build up as much of a lead as possible, because on the 3rd lap you will probably get bombed, blue-shelled, and lightning'd at least three times. In a row. Right before you hit the finish. It's more than a little broken. But still a good game, I think. :3