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February 20th, 2009: "An Uneasy Feeling"

Started by Citi, February 23, 2009, 08:13:33 AM

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QuoteI don't travel much. But when I do I prefer to travel by any route but flying. Now that I think about it, I've never been crazy about boats that can't see the shore anymore either. Essentially it comes back to my inner control freak. I don't doubt the safety of our airlines. I don't doubt the safety of flying in general. I guess the difference comes down to my ability to run away and/or take control. I cannot stop a plane from crashing and I cannot stop a boat from sinking but I can certainly stop a bus or car from crashing and if I can't well, according to the movies I can always jump off. According to "The Fugitive" even jumping off a train is an entirely viable exit strategy.

That said, I'm going to hedge my bets and ask any Airport Security folk out there to try and take a joke for me and not get too upset over one man expressing his inner fear in hopes of getting a laugh. I don't think any of you are necessarily perverts. And if you are well, good for you, I guess it's nice to enjoy your job. If this comic makes you mad though� well you definitely don't want to come back Monday.

The thing about the scanner that they've been testing to see people naked; that's been around for awhile now and I have to say, just the idea of it really bothers me. I mean, I'm not concerned about people wanting to see me naked. Hell, I don't even want to see me naked. It's more of a "how far are we willing to go, how many rights will we surrender" kind of thing.

I imagine in a twenty years these machines will be in sunglasses allowing us all to stare at each other naked until it's no longer novel. At least then it won't just be the government staring at my harpoon scarred ass.

I have to say, I'm having some mixed feelings about my stay in Austin. On the one hand I got to meet some great people but on the other I'm still feeling really disconnected. Also the thing with the star; "The Lone Star." I guess that's pretty much state wide; but I'm really starting to wonder what it represents. Not the historical stuff. I'm well aware of that. No I'm more curious about why it is just absolutely everywhere. Almost every business MUST have the letters TEX somewhere in it's name and that star should be present at all times. Maybe I'm just not much of a joiner. I don't know.

Maybe I was just raised to be suspicious of anything so universally accepted and beloved.

Wow, I could really go off on a tangent about politics, religion and just about anything else people aren't supposed to talk about in polite company from here couldn't I? I'm feeling charitable tonight so I'll let you off the hook. Don't say I never did nothin' for ya.

I saw a movie today and I'm going to get it up in the reviews soon so I know you'll be waiting with bated breath for that. Have a great weekend and I'll see you Monday.