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February 18th, 2009: "Austin Is Weird: But That's Intentional"

Started by Citi, February 23, 2009, 08:12:24 AM

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QuoteSo Artur has informed Ash of his plans for a trip. Which is good because someone needs to take care of things while Artur is gone and it seems like Ash is keen for the job; maybe a bit to keen. He certainly seems excited.

As I mentioned I'm traveling a bit and I've landed in Austin, TX for a few days at least. I have to say I'm having a hard time grasping this city. The people seem very nice. The few I've met so far, but I'm finding it hard to get a vibe for what it's like to live here.

The traffic is pretty reasonable. I'm pretty happy with that; with their massive highway system I was expecting major floods of people once the work week began but instead it stayed about the same as the weekend (however with Valentine's Day being on Saturday the weekend was, I'm told, quite busy).

I have to admit to some concern about the climate. I expected a much more arid and dry area. My lungs are certainly telling me that the air is easier to breath; but it was pretty humid today� and it's fricking February! I did a little Wikipedia crawling and I was shocked to discover that Austin is considered a humid-temperate zone with chilly and damp winters and more humid than usual summers. I don't care about the chilly and damp. I was walking around with shorts on the other day when other's where shivering. I'm concerned about that humidity. Daddy don't like humidity; no sir, no how.

I spent Monday with the awesome guys (and gals) from Rooster Teeth. My lord, such nice people simply don't exist in real life; and yet here they are. I may get one more chance to say hi this week and if I do I'm going to be full of questions about Austin climatological issues. Those of you who have come here from My wonderful cat, Storm, who is the inspiration for Artur's partner Ash, has a serious fever for some Cabbage Patch Doll lovin'. Don't ask me why, but every time he gets near that thing he starts feeling amorous. This is even more unusual since he is fixed. So I leave it to you dear viewer to interpret his intentions. I just know it makes me laugh.

Sorry we don't have the actual vid up. We're experimenting with a new way of inputting blogs and comics and we haven't gotten the code just right yet. But the link will take you right to it and trust me it's worth the journey.

See you back here Friday; as Artur heads to the airport. Have a great humpday.