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February 6th, 2009: "New York Comic Con"

Started by Citi, February 23, 2009, 07:53:33 AM

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QuoteThanks to those of you who wished me well on my health. The test went fine and it seems like there's nothing to be concerned about.

I've been pretty busy today preparing for New York Comic Con. Its pretty exciting for me. I've been granted a professional pass (I know I'm as surprised as you are) and this will be my first Con attending as a member of the Webcomics Community.

I'll be wearing a black shirt with Remedy's "Rx" on the front and our Remedial Comics logo on the back. If you spot me, head on over and say hi. I'd love to meet some folks who read us. I'm not there as a vendor or anything but that doesn't mean I can't give stuff away. I'll have some very nice comic/business cards (they are nicer than it sounds), some full color prints autographed by Jason and me and a few "Rx" T-Shirts like the one I'll be wearing. So come on over and say "hi", at the very least you'll get a warm welcome and you might walk away with a treat.

You might notice today's comic has something to do with Halo. As I've mentioned before, I'm a big fan. For a time I was lucky to be appointed Rooster Teeth Productions Grifball League Commissioner. They have a whole site devoted to the game here. If you don't know what the game is specifically yet you own a copy of Halo 3 I strongly urge you to investigate. It isn't Halo... and yet it is. It's like Basketball with Hammers, Swords and a Bomb that pretty much kills everyone when it explodes. As a former league champion I am an authority on the subject and let me tell you, the game is addicting fun.

I do feel a little guilty about folks not interested in gaming though. I did this story arc to give a nod to where I came from. I rarely play anymore, my Xbox Red Ringed a couple months ago (a launch box that went three weeks after the three year warranty ended) and I've yet to replace it. The story is in three parts. It starts today and will end Wednesday of next week. After that we'll get back to the main story, and we'll keep this shameless filler to a minimum I promise.

We're just about to the end of Chapter one. We are out of Artur's place of business for awhile and there are some very big changes in the works. Once Artur sets foot in Iraq, Chapter two will begin and his life will never be the same.

Speaking of video games; I downloaded a few demos on to Chadm1n's 360 today when I needed a break and played through Resident Evil and F.E.A.R. 2's respective demo's. I've never been a fan of the Resident Evil series. I'm just going to put that out there right out front because I know there are people crazy for the games (I actually like the movies more than I ever liked the games). I've never liked the intentionally difficult aiming system. As someone with extensive experience with weapons of many different makes and models I can tell you it shouldn't be that difficult to hit someone fifteen feet away. If Capcom wanted to make the enemies tougher to kill they should have made the enemies tougher to kill, not made the aiming system crap.

But that's just one guy's opinion. I know there are a lot of folks literally foaming at the mouth for the game and I'm no hater. You like what you like and if you like Resident Evil in the past you will definitely like this new game as it is more of the same; only prettier and multi-platform.

F.E.A.R. 2 on the other hand was a hoot. If you like FPS and enjoy crapping yourself this series was custom made for you and your diapers. :::Spoiler Alert::: I was a little surprised when I got into a battle armor unit that made me feel like I was playing "Lost Planet" instead of F.E.A.R. but a few chain gunned to death enemies later I was all good. And that part in the powered armor was the only time in the demo I wasn't freaking out wondering what was going to pop out at me next. Monolith knows how to scare people and they know how to make a great FPS. If you liked the first one, you'll definitely dig the sequel.

I'm looking forward to trying that new Halo Wars Demo. I'll let you know what I think when I do.

Well, got to get to bed. I've got an early morning tomorrow. If you follow my Twitter I'll be updating from time to time from the Con and you can expect drawings, pictures and blogs galore both over the weekend and early in the week related to the Con. Should be a great time. Have a fantastic weekend.