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January 12th, 2009: "Press the 'First' Button!"

Started by Citi, February 23, 2009, 07:24:34 AM

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QuoteSo, if you're reading this you've come to us at our sixth and final launch comic; or if you're on the Sentimental Horde side of the room, the thirtieth. I highly recommend you hit the "first" button and start at the very beginning.

As for our story in Remedy; if you're reading this after you've gone back to the beginning, well we've already learned some interesting things about our Artur and Ash. They fight well together.

We also got a glimpse of Artur's work place. Isn't it funny how folks like to pretend they don't understand something when it isn't their responsibility to handle it? Isn't it funny how every time you ask for a little peace and quiet to work suddenly the sky falls in and everyone needs you for something?

Our first comic is something of a cast photo. We won't meet some of these folks for a good while but I have things planned out long term and Jason can see into the future; so we decided to give you as much of the main cast as we could figure. There is a wallpaper available for you in the extras section should you be interested and you can also get it by clicking on the word wallpaper next to the comic.

Additionally, in the extras area we an avatar picture pack that I hope you enjoy. You can use these avatars in our forums should you be so inclined.

Thanks for coming to see us. Come back on Wednesday for the next dose of Remedy.

Turn the clock to zero honey
I'll sell the stock
We'll spend all the money
We're starting up a brand new day.

(Brand New Day off the Album "Brand New Day" by Sting)